ОТКАЖУВАЊЕ НА ТЕНДЕРСКА ПОСТАПКА за обезбедување на противпожарно возило, заштитна облека за пожарникари и црева, опрема и алати


ОТКАЖУВАЊЕ НА ТЕНДЕРСКА ПОСТАПКА за обезбедување на противпожарно возило, заштитна облека за пожарникари и црева, опрема и алати

Референтен број: 09-3482/2, CB006.2.12.067/02

II.1.1) Contract Notice Title: TD 02 Supply of equipment
II.1.1) Contract Notice Reference Number:09-3482/2, CB006.2.12.067/02

Tender procedure for Supply for equipment 09-3482/2, CB006.2.12.067/02

Lot no.: 1- Title: Special Forest fire fighting vehicle

Lot no.: 2- Title: Personal protective equipment for fire fighters

Lot no.: 3- Title: Fire hoses

Section V: Award of contract

A contract/lots is awarded: no.

V.1) Information on non-award

The contract/lot is not awarded:

Due to technical issue that is contained in the tender procedure and the tender documents i.e. ANNEX II: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION, the Contracting Authority – Municipality of Shtip, decided to cancel the tender procedure.

VI.3) Additional information:

Should a new tender procedure be launched for this project, a new contractnotice will be published, unless the contractingauthority awards the contract through a negotiated procedure – in which case only the award of the contract will be published.

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