Tender procedure for “Conservation of the former Hotel SOLUN” under the project CB006.2.21.144


Tender procedure for “Conservation of the former Hotel SOLUN” under the project CB006.2.21.144

Ref. № CB006.2.21.144/LP/BL5/ 04

Municipality of Kumanovo is launching a tender procedure for “Conservation of the former Hotel SOLUN”, Republic of North Macedonia, Call for tender with Ref. № CB006.2.21.144/LP/BL5/ 04. The tender procedure is under the implementation of “Common History and Culture - Bridge across borders” project and with financial assistance from the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria -the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Programme 2014- 2020. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Minicipality of Kumanovo,. Ilindenska Str. b.b. (first floor), 1300 Kumanovo and published on following websites:

http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/;  http://www.kumanovo.gov.mk


The deadline for submission of tender is 20.12.2019, 16:00 (local time).


Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on following websites:

http://www.ipa-cbc-007.eu/;  http://www.kumanovo.gov.mk


The tender dossier is available HERE


The Contracting Authority is the body responsible for clarifications in relation to the tender.

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