Impact Evaluation of the IPA Cross-border Programmes 2007-2013

Impact Evaluation of the IPA Cross-border Programmes 2007-2013

In year 2016, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works awarded a service contract for external performance of the impact evaluation of the IPA Cross-border Programmes 2007-2013, managed by the Republic of Bulgaria.

The evaluation was performed in the period April – November 2016 by Bulgarian Consultancy Organization Ltd. (BCO Ltd.) providing an analysis of the level of achievement of programmes output and result indicators and their compliance with the set programmes’ targets, as well as conducting of a thorough analysis of long-term impacts of Programmes’ interventions and comparative analysis of the Programmes’ impacts.

The aggregated Impact Evaluation Report and the Handbook of good projects’ practices are herewith attached.

The evaluation findings, conclusions and areas of recommendation as regards the three IPA CBC programmes (2007-2013) were presented on the closure event held on 9th December 2016.

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