Important! Modification of the complaint procedure on the technical and quality assessment and selection under the Second Call for Proposals


The complaint procedure after the technical and quality assessment and selection under the Second Call for Proposals of Interreg – IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was amended by decision of the Joint Monitoring Committtee from 17 January 2019. Changes were introduced in point 2 “Complaint after the technical and quality assessment” of Attachment 3 “Complaint procedure” to the Guidelines for Applicants.

The amended procedure does not any longer envisage the Lead partners to be required to request from the Managing Authority the technical grid, containing the average scores and summarized comments of the assessors. The technical grid is being sent by the Managing Authority to all Lead partners under projects in the reserves list and rejected proposals as attachment to the notification letter for selection results. Therefore, complaint may be officially lodged not later than 7 working days after receipt of the notification letter for assessment and selection results.

Amended Attachment 3 “Complaint procedure” to the Guidelines for Applicants is available HERE.

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